A review by j_j_catcrazydragon
Captive by Tana Stone


Started this one off wrong.
Opening lines are different from the previous book close, especially considering the story just stopped, unfinished.
Then the lead M turns telepathic in contrast to the stated empathic abilities of his race. Which is again confirmed in second chapter, by the previous M lead.
The F lead has had 2 TSTL moments, and 1 selfish high- maintenance moments, and several, ‘my genitals rule my brain’ moments (despite supposedly being a genius), all in chapter 1.

Oh, and we have a sex-slave-harem, with gauzy drapes, round bed, indoor pond (on a desert planet), and fruit plater with ‘bottled drinks’.

Is it just me?
All other reviews rave? Admittedly only for 1 paragraph, and then followed by, was a free copy..
I think 2 or 3 didn’t end that way, but were just as short and un-iformative.

Maybe I really am being unfair and it gets better?

How many male fantasies can one female author live up to so quickly and embarrassingly?

All hail the Nobel Savage, despite that the only way for them to enjoy their bounty of freshly introduced females, is through the females advanced technology (details, details..)
So, though we are supposedly in sci-fi future, time froze somewhere between the end of 20thC, & beginning of 21stC, with no change in the perception or treatment of women.

We have the annoying high-maintenance female, who gets pissed the guy risking his life to save the stranger, doesn’t have a fool-proof, get me out NOW plan (how rude).
We have the TSTL female who insists on joining in, despite having no skill set to offer, other than being a liability who can’t move as fast, quietly, or without 3 times the resources and help.
We have the arrogant fighter female who has to argue everything, slowing things down, because, hey, not your planet, people, enemies, shite! Not your anything you knowfuck about! While she can kill when her back is protected, on her own, get real? Enemy is 2 & 1/2 times your size, strength, resources. A true warrior, soldier, would pay attention, learn, use available resources, shut the fuck up, and at least gather info from locals… but no, she’s a feisty, fighting, stereotype. She even has long glossy curls flowing down her back. Floating free and wild as she fights! Never caught by the enemy, in her mouth, across her eyes, or blinding and tangling herself!
Oh wait, her black curly hair, darker skin, curvy body, feisty personality, it’s all alien, not Latino.

Since this is supposed to be for women, gotta wonder at all the stereotyped male sex fantasies..

Seriously, we have bread, fruit, wine, large amounts of water in the city … and yet, no fruit trees, no fields, no vineyards, no other water source other than an oasis pond mentioned.
It’s magic, no wait, this is sci-fi, it’s science, no wait, their barbarians … so WTF?
Where does it all come from?

Right, we’re celebrating the Nobel Savage, but where do the high tech women fit in?
Just cruise around on alien camels after piloting, captaining, or repairing a space ship?
Be happy hunting and gathering, living in a tent in a desert? Who does the washing (minus washing machine)?

There is so much about this that annoys the crap out of me, and yet I will read the next.
Helps I already paid for it.