A review by michalice
Finding My Forever by Heidi McLaughlin


You have no idea how desperate I was to get hold of Finding My Forever, I had it pre-ordered from the moment you could pre-order, but for some reason my book didn't download, I ended up cancelling the pre-order and then one clicking to get the book at midnight. As soon as it was downloaded I did not hesitate in making a start on it, and I made sure to let Heidi know I had it.

Of course Heidi wanted updates of my progress, so I had to agree and I'm probably thinking she wishes she hadn't asked for them. To put it mildly I would have finished Finding My Forever at least an hour earlier than I did if I wasn't giving updates via twitter. My first update made me ridiculously excited and super happy that I had guessed it right months ago.

Every time I have read a book in this series I declare it my favourite one, but I really do think the Finding My Forever is the best one. While my reading was slowed down to give updates to Heidi as I read, I did not put the book down at all and I pulled an all nighter to finish this, which is of course the sensible thing to do :). Liam and Harrison, move over, Jimmy is here to stay and I intend to keep him. Usually when I'm reading this series I cry, but Finding My Forever has you laughing, crying, smiling, it leaves you so shocked that you can't speak, you can't believe this happened.

My heart broke for Jenna I felt so sorry for what she went through and then had to share with the others. I wanted to take her home and make her all better.

Seeing Jenna in a new light brings up how strong she is, how she has gone through so much yet still determined to keep going. This is even more evident in the next to last chapter shows how far she has come, but also scared the living day lights out of me.

Jimmy is totally different to how he is perceived in Forever My Girl and My Unexpected Forever, he has reasons for acting the way he does, but being with Jenna changes him, and I love getting to see this new Jimmy. Seeing this romantic side to him had my heart melting, and I think the fact that he is British makes him that much more swoon worthy. I laughed at a lot of the things he says, even though I am British myself, and I like how Heidi has purposefully added some British sayings and slang into Finding My Forever. I loved it when he finally gets the big picture and stands up to his actions.

Finding My Forever isn't all rainbows and sunshine, and some of Jimmy's chapters were really heartbreaking. A lot of stuff happens and Jenna and Jimmy have to go through so much in such a short space of time. You seriously need some comfort food, and tissues when reading this.

While Finding My Forever is Jenna and Jimmy's story, we do get to see Liam, Josie, Harrison and Katelyn. They all play important roles in Finding My Forever and I cried when it was Katelyn's turn. Knowing what Jenna is going through was hard for her, but seeing her open to to Jenna and just let her know that she was there for her made me smile and cry happy tears to see how strong their friendship is. Liam rocked, we all know how he doesn't like using his band name, but he does it for Jimmy, to make sure he is treated correctly and so that they can all be together. I would add a quote in here but I really don't want to spoil it. I have never seen Harrison like this before, and my heart broke for him. seeing him so broken and torn up when he is usually so strong.

Finding My Forever was one hell of a read and while I devoured every single page, I did not want it to end. The final chapter of Finding My Forever was perfect and I loved getting to see how far Jenna and Jimmy have come. I think I need to re-read this whole series again very soon.