A review by arodriguez283
Stalag-X by Mike Ratera, Kevin J. Anderson, Steven L. Sears


*I was provided with an advance reader copy by Net Galley in exchange for an honest review*

As far as graphic novels go, this one was pretty average. I give it 2.75 stars, not quite three stars in my opinion. This art style and plot are not usually what I prefer when I read graphic novels. I enjoy science fiction and space themed works, this one was just not very unique. The plot centers around the war between the human race and the Krael race. The main character is captured by the aliens and taken to prison camp for captured humans. The Krael's purpose for capturing the human is to experiment on them in order to answer the question, what is human? I didn't enjoy any of the characters really, and I felt that a lot of the animosity that the other prisoners felt for Joe was random and didn't make any sense. I thought that the parallels between this and World War II were and interesting addition and made the story a bit more interesting. Overall, I felt that the pacing was too slow for the plot at the beginning. Towards the end things get better, but the ending raises more questions then it answers. I didn't feel compelled to pick up the next volume after finishing this. Even though it ended with a cliffhanger, I just don't care enough about the characters and the plot to want to continue reading. I have very mixed feelings about this one...