A review by legz02
Change of Heart by Mary Calmes


Change of Heart combined an old favorite (urban fantasy/paranormal/shape shifters) with a new found delight (m/m romance), so I decided to give it a chance. With such a combination, what's not to love, right? Alas, I was sadly mistaken.

It started a little slow for me and I hoped it would pick up. I really, really, really wanted to like this story as it was highly recommended but there were so many asinine plot twists and holes that I found myself sighing, gagging and rolling my eyes on numerous occasions.
SpoilerSeriously, who stops in the middle of an escape attempt from an S&M dungeon or wherever to dance the night away with acquaintances in a night club? O_o

The world that Mary Calmes attempts to create has so much potential but she never really quite explores it enough for the reader to become invested in and connected with/to the characters. Everything and everyone seems so shallow and contrived and far fetched. And really, how could there be laws and rules for the tribes and the people who comprise those tribes either barely or don't know what these laws and rules are. Really!?!?!?!?!?!

Maybe if this was my first introduction to the genre then I probably would have a better appreciation for the world and the plot lines attempted. But having read authors like Nalini Singh who is a master at world building, Ms. Calmes' world just fell flat for me.

I'm really hoping that the series picks up (though in my current state of mind I cannot continue to read it since I want to give it a fair chance), otherwise I would have no choice but to abandon this author.

This was just an "ok" read for me so it gets between 2 and 2.5 stars.