A review by sc104906
Freakboy by Kristin Elizabeth Clark


Three teens speak in verse about their experience with gender and sexual identity. Brendan Chase has never felt comfortable in his own skin. There are times when he wishes he could like and act like a female, instead of the male that he is. Brendan has a difficult time accepting his own identity, let alone asking the people in his life to accept who he really is.

His girlfriend, Vanessa, is a tomboy and deals with constant bullying about her sexuality. Brendan, as her boyfriend, is the only person who makes her feel secure as a heterosexual female.

Finally, Angel has transitioned to female and works at a local GLBTQ support center. It is there that she helps others teens work through their own issues with identity. Clark shows how difficult it can be to determine identity, when it does not match the expected or standard.

For any teen who is questioning their own identity or who need more information about determining identity, this book presents these issues through several perspectives that are easy to connect to. It addresses homophobia and hetero-normativity. The messages presented by this book reach out to a section of issues that is underrepresented.