A review by bethreadsandnaps
Minding the Manor: The Memoir of a 1930s English Kitchen Maid by Mollie Moran


This is a memoir written by an almost 100 year old that was prompted by the hit <i>Downton Abbey</i>. Our author Mollie worked as an English kitchen maid back in the 1930s, when she was 14 until she got married. She started watching the show, and you could see her mind going (or perhaps her child's or grandchild's) - I can sell my memoir! I'm so happy she wrote it because this was a fun read. 

Much of the memoir is her shenanigans when she starts out. Mollie is perpetually boy crazy and impetuous and the type of person you would have a lot of fun with. We know early on in the memoir that she ends up married, so every male character she introduces (without last names, to keep the reader guessing) piques my interest. 

Mollie is a woman of her time, so you have to forgive the stereotypes she grew up with, particularly that you had to find a man to support you. 

I thought this was a really interesting memoir, and actual recipes and cleaning tips are included in breaks between chapters.