A review by emilyatmidnight
Weyward by Emilia Hart

Did not finish book.
I'm giving it a 3 stars because I didn't finish it, but here's why I didn't finish it. I got 22% in, and the main character from one of the three timelines just escaped a deeply abusive relationship. She escaped with money in the lining of her purse, left her phone behind so she couldn't be tracked and headed to a place she knew was safe. That's all fine, but here's the kicker: she called her estranged mom who freaked out because the abusive boyfriend called her saying her daughter was missing and said daughter (the protagonist) chooses not to tell her mom that she escaped and anything about the abuse. But she DOES tell her where she is!!!! She didn't give her mom any indication that she shouldn't tell the boyfriend, doesn't tell her not to, and doesn't tell her he is abusive. I'm 100% sure that since this is only 22% in that the mom will tell the boyfriend where she is and she will get horrendously beaten up and have to escape again and I just can't handle that kind of "it had to happen this way for the plot" writing. She isn't even close to her mom and hasn't talked to her in years, so telling her just where you are but NOT telling her who she can't tell is sloppy writing in my opinion.