A review by leafblade
Night Owls and Summer Skies by Rebecca Sullivan


I recieved an ARC of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

I don't have much to say about this book actually, just that it desperately needs rounds and rounds of revision.

The characters were very inconsistent. There were multiple times where they would do something and I'd think "hm, that sounds like it's OOC" but I wouldn't have any evidence to back it up either way. IT felt like they were all just plot devices: MC unwillingly goes to a summer camp, a girl she likes makes her stay there, she makes a (female) friend because otherwise it'd be too obvious that all the female side characters in this book except her mother in law get slutshamed at some point. Times like these you can REALLY tell this came out of Wattpad.

The relationship also came out of nowhere, tbh, but this stems from the same lack of character depth that I mentioned before. These characters can't stand each other and in the next chapter they're kissing, which, okay I can get behing angst and I usually even prefer it, but this just wasn't it. They suddenly loved each other. Maybe the MC's inner monologue was not enough? It felt like she was hiding stuff from us.

Lauren was also such an unnecessary subplot. If you're gonna deal with sexual assault do it properly and with respect. If you're going to squeeze stalking into your book, do so with respect. Not this flat, soap opera-like subplot that was just an excuse to treat yet another girl badly.