A review by anya_doesntmatter
Circle by Garrett Leigh


Book three of the Roads Series

Just finished reading this and all I can say is wow! I Absolutely loved everything about this story. Ash and Pete’s relationship is built on love, care and respect but as this story exemplifies love can only do so much. Communication and honesty also play vital roles in helping a relationship thrive. We all know a couple like Ash and Pete. We may not be privy to all their personal details / demons ( those things we share only with our partners) but we recognize the obvious signs when a couple is losing their connection and are oblivious when one hurts the other unintentionally.

Ash and Pete were at that point in their relationship where love wouldn’t be enough and both men couldn’t pinpoint a singular moment in their relationship that brought them to this point ( except for the secrets they keep to protect one another). And of course, there’s no way these secrets could possibly play a role in eroding their relationship since neither of them are sharing these thoughts, right?

To post more would give away and possibly spoil the story which would be a grave injustice in my opinion. Garrett Leigh, put a lot of thought into this story and developing these characters. I instantly connected with them and felt their frustration and anger when dealing with various situations. This is the perfect ending to what has been an enjoyable series.

*ARC provided for review at my discretion*