A review by katiescott
The Next Time You See Me by Holly Goddard Jones


*I received this book through the Goodreads First-Reads program.

I'll start with what I loved about this book: Goddard Jones did an excellent job of character detail and creating a sense of place for the setting of the novel. I felt like I knew these people and where they were from. I also could hardly put this book down because I wanted to know how it ended.

However, the fact that this was such a depressing book made it really hard to focus. Almost every character (except possibly Sarah) lived such dreadful lives that it was difficult to root for them. While it was an excellent character study of depressed people, it made for a tiring read.

I also found that while interesting, the constant changing perspective among characters and time hard to follow at times.

Overall, I am glad I read to the ending of this novel, but I wish there had been some positive aspect of the lives of the characters. I am, however, interested in future works by this author.