A review by d_iris
Good Enough to Eat by Jae, Alison Grey


If I had to pick a word to describe this book it would be 'hollow.' The story is there, the characters are there, I just felt that it never really went anywhere.

Robin is a Girah (Vampire) who doesn't want to suck on humans anymore. Fair enough, but y'know: been there, done that. And to help her control her urges she goes to AA meetings, where she meets, befriends and falls in love with Alana, who happens to be a former Djinn (Genie.) The premise reads as interesting but the story just isn't. Perhaps the authors were too interested in making a cute rom-com to really invest in their characters/ the mythology behind them. You read the book and you're interested in Robin's Clan-life, and in Alana's Great Plain, but you never learn any more. It's a real miss when you think of what they could have done: the two women learning about the cultures of the other, making a home together, mixing their two lifestyles. It's what I was expecting, but the story hesitates.

On top of all that I don't think the authors handled the whole 'addict' story well. Robin isn't addicted to blood, she literally needs it to survive. That's like saying I'm addicted to food. I can't just up and decide not to eat anything anymore because I feel bad. I thought the story would've explored this more, too. Have Alana be more understanding/accepting of Robin's nature. Helping her to feed without killing. Maybe even offering up her own blood as a supplement. But none of that came to pass; instead Alana barely reacts to Robin's bloody past. (And we don't even get to hear it, either. In fact all of the cool mystic stuff is kept pretty under wraps even to us readers. Almost like the authors couldn't be bothered to do the research.)

This book could have been an exploration of love, acceptance, and learning. Instead we get a pretty standard f/f contemporary romance with a vampire or two thrown in. All in all I would have rather read about The Djinn and the Vampire, not about Alana and Robin. 2/5