A review by charlotteg0a807
Alpha by Jasinda Wilder


Not For The Faint Of Heart Or Easily Offended

2.5 half marks. As I read through this, it seemed more and, more familiar then from around 75% onwards I figured out why and the answer is it reminded me of 365 DNI or 365Days obviously the Netflix film and not the book the film is based on as at the time I looked for them they were only available in the original language. I digress though this was another one that has been sitting in my kindle forever which I got from one of those free book sites. Im awear that this is the first installment in a series but I will not be reading the rest of it. Even though because it reminded me of 365 it wasn't a bad book but it wasn't good either, those that are offended by everything sex, bad language, rich people nice things that these offended people are jealous that they don't have, those people SHOULD DEFINITELY NOT read this as it's too hard core for them