A review by kristid
Try Not to Breathe by Jennifer R. Hubbard


I loved Jennifer Hubbard’s first novel The Secret Year! While I enjoyed reading another of Hubbard’s works, I didn’t enjoy Try Not to Breathe as much as I did her first book. It was really well written, which I was expecting, but I didn’t connect with the characters nor the story as much this time around.

Ryan has just returned home from a stint in a facility, after he tried committing suicide. He’s not only dealing with the whispers and stares from the kid’s at school, but is still battling with himself internally. Trying to figure out how and why he got to the point that he did.

To make matters worse he has befriended a girl Nicki, who is dealing with the suicide of her father. She is struggling with her father’s death and is hoping that Ryan might be able to give her some answers.

In the end it seems to be Nicki who gives Ryan the answers that he needs.

I really enjoyed Nicki and Ryan as characters. They couldn’t have been more different, but I loved Nicki’s personality and how she’s not afraid to push Ryan and make him uncomfortable. I think perhaps I problem I had with the story was that I didn’t make a strong connection with Ryan. Although we learn about him and his history, I still felt a distance from him.

Suicide is never an easy subject, but I loved and appreciated how Hubbard treated it. It was honest and heart-wrenching. Yet at the same time I’d say that the story was hopeful.