A review by midlifehedgewitch
The Iron Jackal by Chris Wooding


***No gimmicky GIFs or fake I'm-so-frikking-smug-and-funny-cos-I-invent-my-own-trademarks in this review. Just right between the eyes opinion. It will take you, the impatient reader, thirty seconds to read.

This book is fun.

Somewhere between the juncture of steampunk and Indiana Jones lies the Jetty Kay and its mismatched crew and their in-deep-shit-get-me-outta-here adventures.

If nothing else, read this book for Malvery's description of his turtling turd. Made me laugh aloud. In fact, I laughed A LOT reading this book when I was feeling very black.

Suicidally black.

This book made me forget about that for a while.

Screw the bitchy review with the wanky trademarks and GIFs festooned in it. She probably prefers the snarky bitches in US-written, urban fantasy. ***Oh, yeah. She does!! Tosser. She probably doesn't even GET the humour - humoUr. With a U - you know what I'm saying?***

Frey's manky hand has much to answer for. Join the adventure. Sign up for the crew like I did.