A review by reflowering
Unleashed by Amy McCulloch


3.5/5 stars.

this was nice. i really enjoyed getting back into this world and experiencing the characters as well as the whole baku thing again. i think this book definitely held a lot of my attention from the beginning, however, i felt as though the deeper i got into it, the more my focus waned which was a shame to experience.

i think my main issues with this book was how it handled lacey fighting to undo the effects of the update. it basically caused for lacey to be at the core of starting a revolution and idk... like i understood the feelings of her teammates but i feel like after all they had been through it’s like, you’re really gonna sell out your friend for something that probably won’t even be gone for long any way? idk. that was one thing that kind of pissed me off. the other being tobias’ development like i know i rooted for them in the first book but i take that back and i sincerely hope that she never gets into a relationship with him again. i’m sorry but i felt hella uncomfy with the way he lied to her (and for no good reason too like this man fully sabotaged her whole plan without even giving her a heads up).

any ways. that’s all for tobias. but yeah. i guess i just wished for more expansion as well as more of a group effort from lacey’s friends to fight with her (not from the background but on the front lines with her) and also more depth into the characters and more backstory for them too.

that’s all. this was a fun read but i would def have to say that i enjoyed and liked the first book better.