A review by booksandlemonsquash
Fierce Fragile Hearts by Sara Barnard


I received this book from the publisher via Net Galley in exchange for an honest review.

Ugly epic sobbing. Truly ugly. 😂

I sort of accidentally pulled an all nighter reading this, which basically tells you all you need to know. It is like all of Sara Bandard’s books, beautiful, thought provoking, and will make you cry like a baby.

I would say that you should definitely read Beautiful Broken Thjngs first, as FFH references a lot of things that happen throughout that. And this is such a perfect follow up because it shows that you don’t just magically become okay following treatment for trauma. Suze is a mess, but taking HUGE steps to lead her own life and I was so proud of her throughout the book. She owns her trauma, but tries not to let it get in her way.

I loved her and Rosie in this, but I am sad about Caddy - I liked her before, but the changes here were tough. I like that they’re included because you need to see that people change and grow, but it’s hard to read for me.

Talking of hard to read. Her relationship with Dilys. Oh god. I adored Dilys. And the care home reminded me so strongly of my grandma, that while all of the book made me teary, it was these scenes that have turned me into a sobbing mess. So beautiful. I need more teen and old lady friendships in my YA apparently! 😂

Anyway, this was everything I hoped it would be, and more. Obviously it is heavy on the triggers for abuse and trauma, but it is really well handled as always. Highly recommended.