A review by anabelsbrother
Acting on Impulse by Mia Sosa


4.5 stars

E-ARC is received thanks to the publisher via Edelweiss.

Also on Romances Ever After.

I had so much fun reading this book!

The story is fast paced, and yet the romance build-up is slow and steady. Tori and Carter both had my heart from the start. I love them as individual characters and together as a couple. They were so right for each other! There was so much chemistry between them that ending up together was inevitable. I love how easy their friendship, and then relationship, was. I also love how smitten Carter was with Tori—this dude saw Tori on the plane and be like, “Yep, that’s my future wife.” And he fell even harder for her as the story progressed and they got to know each other. Tori and Carter both had their own hang-ups, but they worked through their issues together. They also maintained honest communication with each other, which I appreciate that so much. I just hate when characters jumped to conclusions and did not talk to each other—I’m not about that drama.

I also love that both Tori and Carter were family-oriented. I adore Carter’s family! Carter’s mom is a riot; I love how nosy she is. I love how close they were with each other. Tori, on the other hand, had some problems with her family that mainly stemmed from the fact that she was a fitness instructor in a family that had a food business. I felt her fear for her father who had survived two strokes, and her frustrations toward her mother and sister who seemed to not care for his diet as they should. I can relate to Tori’s Puerto Rican family and their love for food—we Malays have a food culture, too, and our identity is closely tied with it. It’s so hard to have some sort of well-balanced diet when your food is just rich in everything and refusing to eat them is a sign of disrespect, LOL. I love how they worked things out in the end.

Another thing that I love is Tori’s and Carter’s friendships with the side characters. I love that the side characters did not just exist but were actually a fully involved part of the main characters’ lives. Carter and Tori have supportive best friends, although I still don’t know what to make of Carter’s best friend/agent, Julian; he seemed so…tired of the whole show business…

Overall, ACTING ON IMPULSE was my first Mia Sosa book, and it will not be the last. The chapter-to-last was emotional for me, and it kind of reminded me of Julie James' Just the Sexiest Man Alive. I’m especially excited for Carter’s sister Ashley’s book. The excerpt in the end was amazing! I can’t believe I have to wait until 2018 for her and Julian’s book.