A review by labunnywtf
Openly Straight by Bill Konigsberg


The world needs people who are more comfortable standing still. We keep the earth on its axis when everyone else is bouncing around.

Sometimes, when I really and truly love a book, and I come back to it years later, I find that I was too generous with my review. I should've sat on it for a longer time, or I was just too punch drunk with a certain part of it, and the rating should go down.

I rated this five stars initially.

I kind of wish I could rate it six this time around.

I feel a lot better about [b: Honestly Ben|27230789|Honestly Ben (Openly Straight, #2)|Bill Konigsberg|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1468438526s/27230789.jpg|47275620] after finishing this. Because it had been so long since I read this, and I'd lost some of who Ben and Rafe were in this book. Re-acquainting myself with Ben through Rafe's eyes opened entire new doors that were presented to me with HB, and made the experience entirely different.

I will *not* be re-reading HB now, because that would be crazy. But I definitely should've re-read this before starting on the sequel.

Seriously, this book is so fucking sweet, I can't handle it. I just want to hug it forever. More than anything else that happens between Ben and Rafe, the friendship is everything. This sweet, organic relationship that blossoms naturally throughout the chapters, and you watch them fall in love. It makes sense in a way YA romance rarely gets right, and I could read 1,000 different versions of this love story and never grow tired of it.

Ugh. Love. So much.