A review by charleshb
Dreaming in Code: Two Dozen Programmers, Three Years, 4,732 Bugs, and One Quest for Transcendent Software by Scott Rosenberg


I really enjoyed this book. Not only did it address the particular problems of the Chandler project, it covered a lot of the history of software design, development and engineering. Rosenberg did his research. He referenced many of the books, people and methodologies with which I'm familiar such as Fred Brooks and his seminal book The Mythical Man Month, Ward Cunningham and et.al's eXtreme Programming and wikis, Watts Humphrey and his Personal Software Process, and more. If you aren't a software developer, this book will give you a good overview of the profession and it's history. You'll feel the pain, frustration and joys of software developers everywhere and the Chandler team in particular. I highly recommend it.