A review by booksong
Carpe Corpus by Rachel Caine


A very worthy and satisfying climax novel for the current chain of events happening in Morganville.

As climax novels are supposed to do, "Carpe Corpus" brought a lot of things to a head, weaving all kinds of suspenseful and long-awaited moments into the plot. I don't want to spoil, but there are big things happening in terms of death (I was very saddened by the death at the end), relationships (finally *wink*), and struggles for the freedom of Morganville. Vampires and humans band together to oust Bishop's evil reign, but not without immense cost and a lot of moments where you're holding your breath.

I love how the author keeps us guessing; right down to the wire there are plot twists, questions about who's on which side, and outcomes different than what you'd expect. The characters remain one of the most enjoyable factors of the series; Caine portrays the Glass House-mates' banter and relationships extremely well. Her minor characters also shine, as I've mentioned in reviews past; Myrnin, Amelie, Hannah, and many others. And Claire is a good, strong heroine who falls into very few of the "teenage female hero" character traps; she thinks and acts for herself, stands up to both good and bad guys in awesome ways, retains a powerful sense of right and wrong as well as a core of empathy, and yet still shows realistic weaknesses, fears, and hesitancy.

This particular conflict may have ended here, but I can't wait to see what else Caine has in store for Morganville in her next novels.