A review by shandra
The Bunny and the Billionaire by Louisa Masters


Sweet romance-on-the-run story!

Ben is an instantly likable character with his curiosity, kindness, and practicality even while on holiday in one of the most luxurious places in the world; Leo is so smooth he might as well be buttered silk. They could not be more different as a couple yet I found myself drawn to their romance anyway. Their differences were what made them work so well together. Leo had to look at life from the perspective of someone who'd not grown up surrounded by wealth while Ben had to learn to accept wealth could be simply a part of someone's life without being the only thing which defined them.

I loved the way Louisa Masters managed to bring so much of Australia into Ben's depiction while staying true to Monaco and France with Leo. Leo's comrades-in-arms -Malik and Lucien- were delightful scoundrels while Ben's bestest Dani made everything seem so much more amazing when seen through the eyes of a third party. A solid four-star read, The Bunny and the Billionaire is a great way to take a book vacation, experience the best of the best, and guarantees to put a smile on your face with it's fairy tale (beginning, middle, and end) love story.