A review by crtsjffrsn
Flux by Kim Fielding


Ennek took a huge risk in saving Miner from Stasis. Even the son of the Chief must obey the laws of the land. But the thought of Miner spending more time suspended in a dreamless sleep troubled him too much. Of course, so did the idea of becoming the puppet of his mentor, a man who wished to see Ennek on the throne so he could control him.

And now, Ennek and Miner find themselves on the run. Their mission is to get as far away from Praesidium as possible. What they don't realize right away, though, is that they may be in more danger from those they come across than anyone who might be following them. And if they have any hope of staying together, they will both need to be strong--in mind, body, and spirit.

This is an interesting follow up to the first book. The previous installment took place mostly in the castle, and largely in Ennek's room. Here, we're on quite a journey, both by land and by sea. And the cast of characters that Ennek and Miner run into are more varied, and in some cases more unstable, than anyone they've encountered before.

I did enjoy the journey aspect of this story quite a bit. And the uncertainty that Ennek and Miner face was rather apparent as the story went along. I did feel like they kept playing out the same scenario in different ways, however, so I would have liked to see just a bit more variation.

That said, it's an enjoyable m/m fantasy romance, and I look forward to picking up the final installment in the series.

[Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.]