A review by ubalstecha
The Popularity Papers: Book Two: The Long-Distance Dispatch Between Lydia Goldblatt and Julie Graham-Chang by Amy Ignatow


Lydia and Julie are back for a second instalment of their research into how to be popular, but this time they have to research in two different places as Lydia's mother has moved the family to London for six months for a job opportunity. This leaves Julie behind, and a little adrift, especially after she fails to make the field hockey team. Julie is then selected by a popular group of students, the Bichons, to be their new member. Meanwhile, Lydia has decided to adopt the bullied and outcast members of her new school. Both make mistakes that cause them pain and teach new lessons about friendship and belonging.

Another great, girl friendly graphic novel, written as a series of exchanges between Lydia and Julie, including chat, email and letters. The story is whimsically illustrated by Ignatow (as Julie). Again, I know her target audience are junior students, but intermediate students would find this appealing as well.