A review by authoraugust
Negotiating with the Dead by Margaret Atwood


Margaret Atwood has been on my to-read list for a very long time, but I hadn't heard about this book until I stumbled upon it in the writing section at the library. The title intrigued me enough to pick it up, and I'm incredibly glad I did. Memoirs of writing are usually fun, in their own way, and some (like Bird by Bird, for example, or On Writing) are fantastic. This, though, tackled all those topics which are closest to the fear in a writer's life - things like writing Art for Art's Sake vs. writing Art for the Betterment of Society (which should we do? and Atwood does not actually answer that for us, but addresses both sides very thoroughly). I felt like I was swimming through a thorough, engaging, but dense philosophy book instead of a writing memoir, and though it took me a while to make it to the end, it was definitely worth the read.