A review by elygreen
The Lake of Dreams by Kim Edwards


Slowest. Damn. Read. Ever.

Okay, so I admit I made a mistake; I judged the book by its pretty cover and the fame of the author and the 'oooohh mystery, family intrigue, secrets' description. My bad.
I was sweating blood to get through it-I persevered and succeeded, only to be able to say I didn't waste my money on that book.

This author apparently thinks it's cool to write these LOOOOOOOOOOONG, WIIIIIINDING, MEANDERING descriptions of EVERY SINGLE BLOODY THING THAT THE MAIN CHARACTER [who was boring and flat with the common sense of a grasshopper, mind you] DOES FROM HOW SHE GETS OUT OF BED TO HOW SHE SITS DOWN ON THE COUCH.

Seriously, she puts Dickens to shame.

And I was so near to giving up-at the end of every page basically. Because-nothing-was-happening.

Basically, this chick decides to go back to her home town [called the Lake of Dreams. Seriously, if a place exists that is called something similar-The Meadow of Sunshine or something, I'll eat my shoe], and embarks on a super slow, pointless discovery of some ancient relative. The author tries really hard to make these family secrets seem all mega interesting and awesome, throwing in some awkward and underdeveloped romance plots or whatever. BUT FAIL. FAIL. FAIL.

The last 2 chapters were the only fast read of the entire book. Not that it helped much, but at least it earned it its two stars.
I can't imagine any person in the world who would see the world from the point of view of the main character-hell, I can't even remember her name. She makes out with her perfect ex boyfriend while her current Japanese boyfriend is planning to come over, almost gets his son killed, spills the secret that her sister in law is pregnant, wrecks her family's office, and all the while feels the need to continue searching for some wild fantasy ancestor who shock and horror only lived in the 1900's, so it's not even anything that old or mysterious. Turns out this woman was a suffragette-so cue all the descriptions of the wonderful things that these women did, because according to Edwards, what the world needs is more feminism.
And the ending. Gah. I refuse to comment.
Over and out. Off to find a decent read.