A review by curiosityboughtthebook
A Bright Enchanted Suffering by Eric LaRocca


Eric LaRocca is a very talented writer, and I’m extremely happy to have met him. He has a great way with words and bringing both characters and situations to life. Both of his stories were enjoyable, even though I did figure out early on where You’re Not Supposed to Be Here was heading. This doesn’t mean it wasn’t a good read, but it took a bit of the suspense away for me. I rated this story 3 stars.

Where Flames Burned Emerald as Grass, had an enchanting and mysterious aura throughout the entire tale. I loved this story a lot. It was both engrossing but also heart wrenching as we meet the protagonist and the fatal choices he has to make. And in this case, I did not see the ending coming at all! I rated this one 5 stars.

Both tales together rated 4 stars from me!

Thanks to Eric for the review copy!