A review by ashley_choo
The Nixie's Song by Holly Black, Tony DiTerlizzi


Every time I get to have a day at the beach, I keep a keen eye out for stones or shells with holes in them, so that I'd be able to look through it and see the creatures from the Spiderwick Chronicles.
You can imagine my excitement when I found this book.
This was a quick, fun read that transported me back into the beautiful, mysterious world of the Spiderwick Chronicles. I would kill for a copy of Arthur Spiderwick's Field Guide.
The detailed illustrations and descriptions really make this word of faeries, hobs, and other fantastical creatures come to life, and I love that the children are so relatable. I especially liked Laurie, who I totally sympathised with, because I am a huge sucker for stories and theories about creatures like mermaids and faerie folk, but I would be completely useless in their situation.
I'm definitely going to read the rest of the books in this series, and I'll be keeping an eye out for withered nixies and earth-covered giants in the meantime.