A review by bkish
Just Like Someone Without Mental Illness Only More So by Mark Vonnegut


This is unlike most of what I read as it is not a current book. Mark Vonnegut MD Pediatrician wrote it in 2010. It was recommended by someone from where I work. I do have strong background in issues with mental illness and it is something about which I read rather often.
Mark Vonnegut is the son of the acclaimed writer Kurt and why that is important is with the issue of mental illness. It is rampant in Mark's family from his mother Jill Cox and his father.
This is the second writing of Mark the first at a young age was Eden Express. He can write and here he has taken to talking about his life and that includes his illness and breakdowns and recoveries. He is also talking about being a MD both before and after it got co opted by the insurance corporations.
Mark had at least two severe mental breakdowns the first in Br Columbia where at a very young age he set up a commune. After that he was on Thorazine which I know is practically debilitating (from when I worked at VA Hospital). In this book he doesnt talk about his move to vitamin therapy which is very very controversial esp when the patient is diagnosed as a schizophrenic.
That he went on to acceptance at Harvard Medical School and became MD is a tribute to him. Then at some time during his residency at Mass General Hospital he had another breakdown and was hospitalized. He is now married and they have two children. There is a severe complication which he begins to grasp his alcoholism. At some time Mark decides he is not schizophrenic that he is bipolar. At some time he begins to take Lithium for bipolar or manic depression.
It is much to his credit that he joined AA and has not done any alcoholic in decades. He also got separated from his first wife met another woman and he married and has a third child w Barbara.
This is a book that is not for everyone and for some of us it is really excellent reading of what he shares about his medical and psych views ...
