A review by frankincredible
The Gunslinger by Stephen King


This was my second time reading The Gunslinger, the first being about 18 years ago. I'll admit I enjoyed it more as an adult. This is probably partly due to King having re-written some of the book in his 2003 re-release, and partly because I'm older. Honestly, I'm still not completely blown away by the story, but I will admit that I'm intrigued to find out what happens next (I never continued on to the second book of the Dark Tower series).

Roland is a gritty, driven character. There were some things that didn't quite add up for me. For example, why was Roland so sure he loved Jake, the boy he found? It really didn't seem to fit the character. Especially since he wasn't even convinced that Jake wasn't just an enchantment left behind by the Man In Black.

Anyways, I guess I'll just have to read on to see if some of my misgivings about the book are addressed down the line.