A review by hurrikanekathrina
Warcross by Marie Lu


3 out of 10

I don't want to waste a lot of time on this review. This book is YA through and through. It's been quite some time since I've read something this cliché. The main character feels like it's aimed directly at 15 year old girls, who identify with main characters that are just so different from all the other girls, causing their popular crush to immediately notice them and realise just how special they are.
While the world of Warcross may be built on an interesting idea, Lu's poor research and utter lack of technical finesse made it impossible for me to enjoy it. There isn't a single character that isn't a YA stereotype, from the obnoxious orphan heroine, who uses her unmatched abilities to selflessly fight for others, over the dark and mysterious love interest up to the quirky gay character (who btw adds absolutley zero additional value to the story other than just being the mandatory diverse character).

The worst thing, however, about this book is the incredibly predictable "plot twist"
Spoiler About the first time that our brooding heart-throb Hideo mentioned that his brother mysteriously disappeared as a child, I knew that the big revelation at the end would be that Zero is nobody but Hideo's missing brother himself. It was the painfully obvious choice for a plot-twist, and it made the end fall just flat, just like the rest of the ridiculous "twist" of events.

I'm really sad that this turned out to be such a disappointment, but there really isn't much positive to say about this in my eyes.