A review by kaydanielsromance
America's Geekheart by Pippa Grant


America's Geekheart is adorably sweet intermixed with Pippa's sense of humor. Beck Ryder is one of the nicest, happiest, down-to-earth famous book boyfriends I've ever read. You can't help but love him for his self-deprecating humility mixed with sexy goofballness. He just might be one of my favorite Pippa Grant hero's to date. 

"One day. I want one day of being as happy about life as Beck Ryder is."-Sarah 
This sentence right here is everything!!

Beck Ryder has not only been in a boy band, but he is an underwear model, and runs a fashion empire, just to name a few of the things that make up his billionaire portfolio. To say whatever Beck touches turns to gold might be an understatement, that is everything except a blundering tweet that he meant to sent to his sister in a private message. Beck never meant to offend the female population by accidentally tweeting the wrong woman, Sarah Dempsey, who just so happens to be his sisters neighbor. However, he now needs damage control because he can't leave his house without old ladies flipping him off or yoga classes throwing their bricks at him because he public enemy #1. He wouldn't mind so much except the foundation he was in the middle of setting up for underprivileged youth is about to go down the toilet all because he doesn't know how to private message. Thinking the best way to correct his mistake is to sneak into Sarah's backyard to apologize face to face, well... it seemed like a great idea at the time, that was until Sarah tasered the stranger sneaking up to her back door.
"First rule of apologizing: Make sure she knows you're coming."-Beck

Sarah Dempsey is an environmental engineer who cares more about the planet, animals, saving the bees, basically anything that doesn't involve dealing with people.  Sure, she didn't appreciate the tweet that Beck Ryder sent to her, but more importantly she doesn't appreciate the man creating havoc in her neat, simple life. He is famous for multiple reasons and Sarah wants nothing to do with being in the limelight, but after sneaking into her backyard and even getting tasered, he won't take no for an answer on accepting a quiet apology. BUT. If she can get his public apology directed towards a cause she cares about...well, then perhaps the underwear model can be useful after all.
"I'm sitting in a car that's probably worth more than my house, with a former boy band heartthrob who makes a killing putting his name on other people's underwear. Seriously, him getting into women's underwear was brilliant."-Sarah

When Beck and Sarah agree to help each other out; Beck to get his reputation out of the toilet and Sarah to help the giraffes she loves, the time spent together is more than just contractual, it's actually fun. Sarah discovers that living in the light doesn't mean that you have to give up who you are and Beck may have finally found someone worth exposing himself around, and not just in his underwear. 

Like all Pippa Grant stories, you will love the witty banter, the adorable animals, and the delicious chemistry. I so excited to see what's next for the Bro Code series. You get a lot more interaction between the guys in this book than you did in Wyatt's, but no matter what order they come in they are all going to be fantastic stories.