A review by raelovestoread
Dancing By The Light of The Moon: Over 250 poems to read, relish and recite by Gyles Brandreth


PopSugar Reading Challenge 2020: An anthology

I should probably be nice about this book because Gyles Brandreth is a big promoter of poetry and I'm an aspiring poet. Luckily, this won't be hard!

This is a pleasant collection of poetry, mostly rhyming and structured. Gyles Brandreth and I have different tastes (I prefer more freestyle, stream of consciousness stylings - think Simon Armitage) but there is lots of overlap.

Highlights for me included:

Meditation XVII (p73)
What lips my lips have kissed and where and why (p97)
Anthem for doomed youth (p201)
When you are old (p208)
Phenomenal woman (p300)
Death is nothing at all (p362)
Funeral blues (p369)
The road not taken (p386)

There were, of course, others that I enjoyed too!

I doubt Mr Brandreth reads his reviews on here, but on the offchance... he should Google "I had a hippopotamus"... it's one of the most excellent rhyming poems on the planet and would have fitted in perfectly between Pobbles.

Also, I hate the Walrus and the Carpenter. (Always have!) Those poor little oysters. As Rizzo the Rat once said "mother always said: never eat singing food!"

I recommend this edition for beginners: people new to poetry who are looking for some of the best to peruse and keep. There are some gems here.