A review by hpstrangelove
The Spirit Lens by Carol Berg


(Audio book review) Male narrator, although not as good as the narrator of Berg's newest book, Dust and Light, still did a decent job. I didn't care for his reading of Dante, however. He does it with a deep, gravely voice, making Dante seem far, far older than just twenty six years. I had to try and keep in mind how young Dante really is, but other than that, I enjoyed the performance.

The story itself grabbed me from the start, pulled me in, and never let go. I'm writing this after I finished book 2 because as soon as I finished this book, I immediately had to start the next.

I don't know why I've waited so long to read these other books by this author. I loved the Lighthouse series and Dust and Light, so while I wait for the sequel to Dust and Light, I decided to try one of Berg's other books. Boy, I feel so stupid for missing out on these!

Oh - and the cover art! So beautiful.