A review by farnz
Oz, the Complete Collection, Volume 1: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz/The Marvelous Land of Oz/Ozma of Oz by L. Frank Baum



Book 1 - 3 stars
Book 2- 1 stars
Book 3- 2 Stars

Round up: 2 stars

Rant( read at your own discretion):

I read The Wizard of Oz a few months ago and gave it 3 stars ( my rating hasn't changed) and I had heard that the following books were even better so I thought I would give it a shot. And I have to be honest and say that at times reading this book was like torture. It was painful and I dreaded reading it every time I laid eyes on it. It took me so long, TOO LONG, I have never taken this long to read a book like this. It just felt dull the majority of the times and rest of the times it was just pissing me off. And it's not that I disliked everything, I like the world of Oz, I really do. It's just that I absolutely HATE every single character that Baum creates (except for Bill the hen, I liked her).


I find them to be incredibly annoying, selfish, ignorant, prissy, entitled, FLAT idiots. Never have I come across SO MANY HORRID characters (I need to just vent). I cringed every time Baum referred to these characters as "our friends". It was disheartening. His females are just horrible, I wanted to strangle them. Pitiful excuses for human beings/inanimate objects brought to life all around. I hated Ozma and Dorothy and the third book had, to my dismay, both of them together. UNBEARABLE. I mean Ozma doesn't have the dignity to actually say please! You have to work for what you want in this life. It pisses me off that they just expect Oz to do things for them with nothing in return. Dorothy was an absolute idiot who didn't deserve to get things handed to her on a silver platter like she is some queen. The Cowardly lion (who I liked in the first book) suddenly realizes that he is a coward, leaves his role as a king and becomes a chariot-puller for Ozma. The Cowardly lion was ruined (I'm not exaggerating. Bill ( I refuse to call her Billina) the hen was the most tolerable character with the most amount of common sense and good for her for kicking that rooster's ass. I preferred the wicked witches to the supposedly good witches/ characters. Although she is neither fierce nor wicked. Heck I know a great many people who would be more terrifying than her, this includes myself. This is a lady who is afraid of the dark and who gets killed by a pathetic, insolent, petty kid who throws a tantrum cause she has lost a pretty shoe. The good witch of the North keeps laughing at inappropriate things and Glinda , just no. People and animals being beheaded and killed left and right. The Tin woodsman says he would never kill any living creature and yet he does the most killing. I really hate the stupid Gayelette ( she isn't good and wise, she is bratty, vain, selfish and throws money around). She pisses me off. I know it's not intended to be so but the characters never fail to creep me out. And of course "harmony was immediately restored in every family (386)" when the pathetic and outspoken women were sent to the kitchen to cook food for their husbands like good little wives. This pissed me so much. Am I taking this book too seriously? Perhaps but this book was nearly 600 painful pages.

" for she is protected by the Power if Good, and that is greater than the Power of Evil(104)". It's as if Baum is taking a brick and repeatedly hitting you over the head with it.
Page 378- Can you be anymore obvious? I saw this coming since the name Ozma was first mentioned. It's making me depressed. Everything is so in your face, it makes me want bash my head and I realize that it's a children's story but that's no excuse. I love children's books but I just can't take this.

Frankly, how I managed to get through this book is beyond me. It's hard to find redeeming qualities, by the end my patience had simply run out.