A review by beckyrendon
Ruled by Elle Kennedy


Ms. Kennedy tortured us with the untapped sexual chemistry in her previous novel, Addicted. Well, if you thought the tease in Addicted was rough, wait until you experience the molten lava that it becomes in Ruled.

I can honestly say that this series is smoking hot. If my kindle were able to read the words it would be cherry red with a blush and smoke pouring out of it. Even I was blushing like a school girl! Its hot and heavy. In a society where there are no reservations about gender and numbers in an encounter, there are plenty of hot scenes to entertain the masses. Threesomes are explored based on participants desires- um, yeah, flipping hot!

Don't get me wrong, though these books ooze sex, sexual chemistry, and horniness the story is actually a pretty awesome dystopian post apocalyptic world. Striving for basic freedoms, the outlaws are trying to bring down an oppressive government- sound familiar? It may but it has never been dished out with such wild and freeing abandon.

If you hurry you can snag book one while its still on sale. I highly recommend starting with Claimed. I jumped into the series with Addicted and found myself slightly lost. For background and character introductions I would suggest starting at the beginning. But if you happen to start with any of them you will catch up quick enough.

I want to leak some of the story, but I'm not that kind of girl. So do us both a favor, buy it, read it, and then come chat with me because I need to vent with someone! But first I'm going to take a cold shower- for two reasons: 1. Connor doesn't like when we waste the hot water 2. Its a seriously HAWT story. Makes me wish i were living in their world- well, just a little.

Book received in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed on behalf of Once Upon An Alpha