A review by judithdcollins
The Match by Harlan Coben


From the creator of Netflix's Stay Close and The Stranger, the brilliant master of suspense, Harlan Coben makes many readers very happy (myself included) with his latest knock-out psychological suspense thriller, THE MATCH.


Will Wilde finally attain the pieces of the puzzle of his past?

A follow-up from [b:The Boy from the Woods|51204046|The Boy from the Woods (Wilde #1)|Harlan Coben|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1575400945l/51204046._SX50_SY75_.jpg|71391445], Wilde was called "Little Tarzan" and no one ever came forward to claim the abandoned little boy in the woods. He was around 6-8 yrs old when he was found.

Wilde is now 40-42 years of age, and as a boy, he lived alone in the woods. Something horrible happened to him, a dark past, but his memory was blocked out, and he only remembered pieces.

He had a foster father, and now, three decades later, Wilde did not have a clue about his origin until now. But the initial meeting did not go as expected from a DNA online site match.

Of course, if you know Coben, you know it is not simply getting from point A to B. There is so much in between. We get to catch up with Hester Crimstein, an attorney from previous books (love), and other characters from previous books.

Wilde had spent the last few months in Costa Rica, and it was time to return to his remote Ecocapsule deep in the heart of the Ramapo Mountains, in New Jersey, where he belonged in the woods alone.

Wilde is intelligent. He had a successful military career, years as a security expert, and excellent detective skills.

However, now he is about to meet his father, Daniel Carter, from a DNA ancestry website. The man was around 61 and married a woman named Sofia with three grown daughters, who are now his half-sisters and live in Nevada. The guy had a past with other women but does not want to screw up his current marriage and family. But little does he know?

Can Wilde move on with his future until he finds out his past?

Wilde receives an email from PB (Peter Bennett) who claims to be a distant cousin. He reached out to Wilde, who became famous as a popular contestant on a dating reality show until the public turned against him. He was humiliated, his career ruined, and his marriage in tatters. Now Peter has disappeared and may have committed suicide.

Wilde had not answered the email when it came in and now he appears to be missing. Wilde then gets caught up in the middle of a crazy vigilante group specializing in destroying the lives of bullies. All this turns into madness and soon Wilde wishes he were back living in the woods alone where life is simpler.

From mysterious DNA searches, cyberbullying, reality TV stars, and social media influencers, an action-packed suspense thriller with excellent character development.

Coben keeps you on edge, waiting to see if Wilde will learn about his past and connect with his mother and father.

I really enjoyed the mother's past and how it all began. Fans will be delighted with the ending and excited to have all the answers from the previous book. Coben does a great job with background, and THE MATCH can be read as a standalone; however, I am glad I read the first book.

Coben Fans will devour this one! Loved it. Hopefully, we will hear more from these characters in future books. Highly recommend.

A special thank you to #NetGalley and #GrandCentral for an ARC.

Blog Review Posted @ www.JudithDCollins.com
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
My Rating: 5 Stars