A review by emrachdeck
Someone Just Like You by Meredith Schorr


I was super excited to receive this book as an eARC on NetGalley. The synopsis made it sound right up my alley so I jumped at the chance to give it a read. Unfortunately, I can’t say I enjoyed this one too much.

Molly and Jude have been enemies ever since they were children. Their parents are best friends and they started out as inseparable, but they had a falling out as young kids and their relationship evolved into one big prank war. Now they’re 27 and have been tasked with finding a location for a joint anniversary party for both sets of parents. A reluctant friendship forms after they call a truce and their feelings evolve from there, but can they really leave all their animosity towards each other in the past?

Someone Just Like You started off on a pretty immature note with all the pranking. And I didn’t think that the characters really grew all that much in that regard throughout the book (even once the pranks stopped). I enjoyed the family dynamics that played a part in the story and appreciated all the side characters, but I just really didn’t like Molly and Jude as characters on their own or in their relationship together. It all felt very childish and that made it hard to believe they had any real connection. I found myself annoyed with them both throughout the whole book and had a hard time finishing, if I’m being honest.

Overall, not my personal cup of tea. But it might be worth a try if you like :
▫️Enemies to lovers / opposites attract
▫️Serious pranking
▫️Interesting family dynamics

Thank you to NetGalley and Forever (Grand Central Publishing) for an eARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.