A review by kirstysbookshelf
Your Closest Friend by Karen Perry


I received a copy from Net Galley.

I really did not enjoy this book and I struggled to finish it. It started out well, with the tension of the terrorist attack and then Cara started receiving creepy messages. The story soon went downhill for me becoming very slow and unbelievable.

It seems really unlikely that someone would trust a stranger to look after their child. Cara invites Amy to stay in their home and look after her young child without knowing anything about her. I highly doubt that this would be something that any parent would do. I think from this moment you know that something terrible is going to happen but it isn’t really surprising.

I didn’t like any of the characters in this book. I have a feeling we aren’t supposed to like Amy but I feel as if the author wanted us to like Cara. I, however, did not like Cara’s character she made some really questionable decisions. Also, I didn’t feel that the characters were particularly memorable.

I liked the idea for this book but unfortunately, it didn’t work for me.