A review by mollybonovskyanderson
Don't Suck, Don't Die: Giving Up Vic Chesnutt by Kristin Hersh


I am a huge fan of Kristin Hersh’s music, lyrically and sonically, and have always been interested in Vic Chesnutt as a person if not as a musician as well. However, I’ve found that what compels me in Kristin’s music might be exactly what turns me off in her writing. I don’t know why this is—maybe because songs are perfect vessels for stream-of consciousness fragments, whereas whole books—not so much. I don’t fault anyone who finds the language beautiful and haunting—it is, but I was unable to glean much from the conversations between Kristin and Vic, because as loaded as they are with metaphor, humor, and almost an intimate shared language, the real meaning was lost on me. I’m not proud to say I only lasted 24 pages into this. Like others said, I wanted to like this so bad, and I don’t blame Kristin for writing the way her heart speaks, but it just wasn’t for me. For those it was for, they have certainly received a lovely gift.