A review by reeshadovahsil
The Fate Of The Phoenix by Sondra Marshak, Myrna Culbreath


2.5 stars if I had the option. Better than the first one but still not very good. Most conversations are written as though everyone speaks the same way, with a penchant for roundabout riddles, half-thoughts, and stabs at philosophy (one of the writers apparently has a degree in philosophy, but it only comes across in stumbles here). There are rarely differentiations between voices, which is especially heinous in light of the novel's subject matter.

The "slash" aspect of the first book was very toned down in this one, almost as if they were admonished for it, but the bulk of the text still reads like a mediocre fan fiction (as someone who enjoys good fan fiction, and slash, and has been reading it for decades, I am not bashing the art form at all, only the execution within this novel).

The plot is actually interesting, as is the Big Bad. It's the writing that needs help, not the ideas.