A review by bennysbooks
The Librarianist by Patrick deWitt

Did not finish book. Stopped at 29%.
There were some great lines, some hilarious moments. And yet every time I went to pick it up I felt dread. That's the surest sign that I need to set a book aside. I'm struggling to piece together why I feel so strongly about it, because objectively I would say it isn't terrible. I think it boils down to this: I'm a third of the way through the book, and I have no idea who Bob is. The character is truly bland, and I think it's probably intentional, given the point of Bob is that he's lived his life through books rather than experience. But then we also don't get any real discussions of the books Bob has read and loved. It would be a great way to get to know the character, but other than a failed attempt to read some Russian literature to a group of elderly people, I don't know much about what he reads. He is truly a neutral character, and it gave me so little to connect to.