A review by bdfarber13
The Heavens by Sandra Newman


This is a hard to describe strange novel. I was super intrigued in the beginning and then felt it began to drag. The ending was a bit abrupt.

It's a story about time travel, psychosis, and saving the world. Can't say much more than that except it is a bit choose your own adventure as a reader - you get to decide what is going on.

Some parts of the plot felt weak especially the 1600s England. Newman does a great job of creating a very uncomfortable atmosphere in both timelines but this one made my skin crawl. But I had a lot of questions especially about Emilia's experience during the dream visits. Other parts were confusing. Perhaps deliberate. Perhaps not. I can't tell. Sometimes this felt like an excellent rough draft. But other times it felt like normal people trying to understand impossible to know situations.

The feel of the book is pretty potent. I felt sad and dreamlike myself reading it so Newman is quite evocative.

Kate is the star of the story. I felt for her throughout. I loved her intensity and joyful spirit. Ben's story made me feel strange, and Kate is the focus so she is still the star.

Worth a read if you want something out there and with some beautiful language and storytelling at points.