A review by fortheloveoffictionalworlds
The Prince & The Player by Tia Louise


This review was first posted on For The Love of Fictional Worlds in exchange for an honest review via Inkslinger PR <3

Actual Rating 4.5 Stars

Disclaimer: This is the first book in the Dirty Player Duet and ends in quite a cliffhanger.

“Did you never dream of being a princess when you were a little girl?”

“No.” I glance over my shoulder, and my eyes meet Ava’s. “I dreamed of finding us a safe place to sleep, of no one catching us stealing food or breaking into boathouses when it rained. I dreamed of a place where we didn’t have to be afraid…”

Once upon a time, there were two sisters; homeless and orphaned all they had was each other and their skills as a con artist to survive day by day. They are the only family they have - Zelda Wilder aka Zee is the older sister; the one who is the front of their cons and the one who protects her younger sister, Ava Wilder aka Ava-bug. They might not have had the best life, but they have always been able to count on each other and that is their biggest strength. So when, they are approached (or rather blackmailed) by a gentleman, Grand Duke Reginald Winchester, who apparently wants Zee to run a con to “save” his country, she has no choice but to accept.

Rowan Westringham Tate aks Ro, is the heir apparent to this European country called Monagsco with MacCallum Lockwood Tate aka Cal, his younger brother. Rowan has been slowly making a whole lot of changes for his country, while simultaneously been embroiled in a scandal – which has made his mother all the more determined to marry him off!

A ball held for all the stately single woman, is where Ro and Cal meet the Wilder sisters and it’s open season on good intentions and bad villains.

Zelda Wilder is no princess. The closest I am is a dirty Cinderella, an orphan on the run, and that’s not the kind of girl for a prince.

This one was a one hell of a bumpy ride – you have Zee who is supposed to be seducing Rowan, but can’t seem to keep her eyes (or hands) off his younger brother Cal. And then you have Rowan, who knows that he needs to charm Zee, for her “inheritance” could help his country out in more ways than one; but somehow can’t seem to stop thinking about Zee’s “friend” Ava. Yup, this one was one serious clusterbomb really!

This one starts off quite a bit slow, but then again, there are a whole lot of background situations brewing up, but the best of all is the slow connection that both couple seem to be building with each other.

This is a book that you definitely need to read, to enjoy the full effect of what the plot entails – and it is not without it’s doozies!

I feel like a dirty Cinderella, playing games with the handsome prince’s heart.

The only issue I had with this one was, that while we got Rowan’s POV, I would have also LOVED having Ava’s as well! It would have provided me with a wholistic view of the players in this game!

While Rowan and Ava were the cheesy and sweet couple; Cal and Zee became my favourite; not only because the focus of the book was on their relationship; but because theirs was a relationship based on sarcasm, lustful actions and definitely an emotional connection, neither of them ever saw coming!

The lies, betrayal and the political thrills; were honestly just the icing on the cake! It is in the last 15-20% of the book that we end up with a whole lot of action that speeds everything along! And trust me, you will be waiting with bated breath to know exactly how everything ends up!

And, being totally honest here – I did not have to wait anytime, before I could dive into the next book – making my rating for this one a bit biased; because no matter how hard I try, I honestly am keeping the conclusion in mind while rating this one!

“I can’t drag you into this.”

“I’m already in it.”

“I’m not good for you.”

“You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“You can’t save me.”

“Want to bet?”

Pick this book (or rather this duet) up, if you adore your romances with a whole lot of bite and secrets to spice it up!

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