A review by anddown
On Lavender Tides by Travis M. Riddle


Disclaimer: Travis M. Riddle provided me with an ARC, but this does not affect my opinion of this book.

Raiting: 4,5 out of 5 Stars

On Lavender Tides (Jekua Book #1) by Travis M. Riddle is the book you want to read to be transported back to your childhood. It is like a warm blanket that wraps you in all the nostalgia of being a kid playing and/or watching Pokemon and having a good time.

Yes, this series is heavily inspired by Pokemon, and you can feel it from the very beginning.

The story isn't too fast-paced and action-packed, but it's compelling enough to keep you turning the pages. It feels like a road trip with friends, and for me that is what this book is about, having a good time away from grimdark fantasy, brutal plots, and bulky books. You can think of it like an episode of Pokemon. It's part of a bigger picture and more of a setup for what's to come. Maybe that is the downside of this book, the end feels like the end of an episode and you miss the feeling of a real accomplishment. On the other hand, you have two more books at this point, and I guess book two picks up right where book one left off. So it might be a smart move by Travis to make you want to get the other books as well.

The worldbuilding is good, not overwhelming but deep enough to get a feel for the world, the wildlife and the people, and I think it will expand even more in the following books.

The prose is easy to follow and engaging, and some characters even have their own dialect, which was fun to read.

Now the characters are great in my opinion. I could relate to the two main POV's pretty quickly and you can hate on the antagonist like you should in a Pokemon inspired novel. It feels like there is some development going on with them and I look forward to seeing what comes next.

Yes, On Lavender Tides feels YA at times, but I think it is still a book for all ages. From a child of about 9 who is just starting to get into Pokemon to people like me (35 years old) who want to get a fix of nostalgia, comfort but also some adventure.

Overall, it is a good start for a series and makes me want to read more to see how the plot and characters develop.

If you haven't read it yet, give it a try, and if you like it, great if you don't just move on, because it's pretty short and won't set you back on your TBR for too long.