A review by mrsmar10thereader
Sanctuary by Rebekah Weatherspoon


Hot Farmer and the Lawyer

Liz has always been a rock. She’s always there for her friends and her sister, and she understands loss. When she is attacked in her home and the attacker lets her know that a disgruntled client sent her, she thinks she’s going to die. She fights like hell and although he nearly kills her, she makes it out, but he doesn’t. Taken to the
hospital, questioned, dismissed by her concerns, she calls Scott - her only friend from work as not to scare her sister. She tries to get back to normal but she’s scared, and Scott decides to take her upstate to “a house he owns.” Here we meet Silas. Scott’s sexy, but brooding twin brother...they hate each other! Someone is trying to kill Liz and she needs to be safe, so Silas put his animosity for his brother aside and takes Liz home. Scott doesn’t tell her that she and Silas are pretending to be together and they have to sell it for the small, all up in you business town. They sell it, but a little too well, what’s going to happen when she heads back to the city? I loved this book as much as I loved Haven and getting the entire Liz/Silas/Scott backstory and Mason’s intro as I read Xeni before this book. Rebekah Witherspoon is a true genius. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️