A review by belovedbrat
A Curious Incident by Vicki Delany


first reviewed here: https://belovedgraceful-carissasbookshelf.blogspot.com/2021/02/a-curious-incident-by-vicki-delany.html

Title: A Curious Incident
Author: Vicki Delany

Ch: 23

Pg: 304

Series: Sherlock Holmes Bookshop Mystery book 6

Genre: Cozy Mystery

Rating: 3.5 Stars

Publisher: Crooked Lane Brooks

A Curious Incident by Vicki Delany is the sixth book in the Sherlock Holmes bookshop mystery series. I finished the book in a day. Unfortunately it was too predictable. Which can mean two things, I’m getting burnt out on this series m, or I’ve read to many cozy mysteries and need a break from them. I just don’t know which it is.

I do know that I still enjoyed reading this one even i figured who done but the heroine did. But I’ll keep reading cozy mysteries because they are my go to comfort read. Some readers comfort read is women’s fiction, chick lit or romance but mine is cozy mysteries.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher through netgalley. I was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.