A review by readingthroughinfinity
Our Wayward Fate by Gloria Chao


3.5 stars

I read this on audio and I really enjoyed the inclusion of all the Chinese language sections, as well as the side chapters detailing the story of The Butterfly Lovers.

I liked Ali's fiery, stubborn persona, and the fact that she wasn't afraid to stand up for what she believed in. I wasn't a huge fan of Chase at first (mainly because he was kind of rude to Ali?), but he grew on me as the novel progressed. Some of my favourite scenes where when Ali, Chase, and Yun were all hanging out together, just enjoying each other's company. I couldn't stand Ali's friends because they were so racist and ignorant??? So, of course, I thoroughly enjoyed it when she and Chase took them down a notch. Incorrect, offensive stereotypes were challenged throughout the novel and racism was consistently called out.

My only real issues with the book were that the writing style didn't wow me and the narrative pacing was inconsistent. I also thought the romance was borderline insta-love, but I can forgive that because it was pretty cute. Overall a fun read, but perhaps not as memorable as I was hoping for.