A review by overtherainbow031
Captivated by Eve Dangerfield, Tessa Bailey


"Other people praised its architecture, its give no fucks attitude, its ‘energy’, whatever the hell that meant, but for Autumn Reynolds, the Big Apple was enemy territory and she’d been air-dropped into it without any reconnaissance." - This is just the tipping point for the humor in this story!

Autumn and Blake were just so captivating and you just felt the need to know them and squish them together!

"“Although,” she told the pigeons as she fastened the hoops on her purple plastic earrings. “You’d have to have a death wish to try and fight Blake. He’s basically a sentient brick wall.”" - This really did describe Blake in the beginning. He was very stoic and off-putting. But you keep reading and get to know more about him and of him and you just steadily fall more and more in love with the PMB.

Can I just say that there were times I was blushing and having to take a cool drink to try and simmer down because these women know how to drag you into a scene and make you feel it.
Spoiler"He tugged the front of it down, exposing her breasts, and Autumn bit back a moan. The scraping fabric and cool air on her nipples was making her whole body throb. They’d barely done anything, anything, and she was more turned on than she’d ever been in her life."

"Ian being a wishy-washy buttplug." This sums up my thoughts on her ex, Ian, and his behavior!

You get to the end of this story begging for it to not be over and then it is and you read this and your icy, black hole, heart just pulls a Grinch and grows 3 sizes.

"“Try frantic. I thought I’d lost the girl of my dreams. I thought I’d—” He broke off, shaking his head. “Of course I love you, I’ve loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. You made me want to be in the sun again. You made me want to be the one who…gave you the sun.”"