A review by whimsicalmeerkat
Richard III by Stephen Orgel, Peter Holland, William Shakespeare


I think this is the first work by [a:William Shakespeare|947|William Shakespeare|http://photo.goodreads.com/authors/1179017891p2/947.jpg] I have rated so low, and I do so not based on quality, necessarily, but on my own lack of enjoyment. It felt like a chore to read this, and rather than taking a day or two, it took me a month. There are certainly some brilliant passages, primarily those in speech format, but I just could not "get into" the story. I think this was largely due to my own difficulty keeping the characters straight. I've often had this problem when reading about the War of the Roses and the Tudor era. It seems like everyone is named Thomas, Henry, Richard, Elizabeth, Margaret or Anne. Anyway, three stars to this, but I am sure it was more me than the play itself.