A review by nicolet2018
Wonder Woman: Ends of the Earth by Gail Simone


I read the Vol 1, 2, 3 and 5 then stopped for a number of years. Recently, I have been getting interested in graphic novels again and decided to fill in the missing pieces. I don't remember much about the Gail Simone's run other than Diana getting a love interest (Nemesis, her co worker) and Donna Troy is around.

But I felt that Ends of the Earth feels very separate from all the other volumes. It has two story lines: Ends of the Earth and A Star in the Heavens. These don't really gel well either. In the first story, Diana gets sucked into another world and must enlist the help of Beowulf and Claw to defeat the Devil and the second story is where Diana must contend with Hollywood wanting to make a movie out of her story but in true gossip fashion, in makes a mockery of her history. Then things get deadly when the Queen of Fables appears. The art was nice and okay. The stories did not make much sense. Though it feels strange to see Diana contemplating having children. She also has to face an angry mother. That felt like commentary on how single parents struggle and their kids cannot see that.